Sunday, March 23, 2014

My Garden by Dana

My Garden

As I stand in my garden and look around 
I see the rays of sun shinning through the veins of the leaves 
as life is pumping through 
 Life that will feed those longing to taste, 
longing to smell, longing to touch
 My Garden beautiful to the eyes, gentle to the ears 
waiting patiently for the sound of readiness 
 My Garden as water feeds the roots the system to 
life the plants drink satisfied with life  
My Garden beautiful to the eyes.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Dragon Fruit by Dana

In our garden we have many different types of plants from succulents to edibles.  One of our succulents I'm proud of the most is our Dragon Fruit on the left.  This plant was given to me from a coworker from a former employer. When I researched this plant I learned that in order for our Dragon fruit to produce fruit it needs to weigh 10 pounds, which means it needs to produce more of the green stems.  Also when I transplant this plant I need to transplant it in a pot just a little bigger than what it's in because the roots need to be compact which in turn more green stems would produce.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Compost by Dana

Darnell and I went to Ashby Community Gardens.  While we were there I helped with clearing out an area for the new composting bins.
This is a picture of what the area looked like before the compost bins were in placed

 We needed to clear this area and make new composting bins

Here's what the area looks like once it was cleared